Taxpayers Shouldn't Make A Frivolous Return Filing Situation Worse

Posted on: 27 July 2016

Taxpayers who choose to file frivolous income tax returns often do so without realizing the severity of their actions. Those who receive a frivolous tax return letter in the mail should speak with a tax professional to straighten out the matter to avoid a disastrous situation from playing out. The Warning Letter Anyone who files a frivolous tax return, a return that contains blatantly false assertions or egregious omissions designed to prevent the collection of taxes may receive a letter in the mail stating the return is being rejected and a proper return must be filed instead.
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Deciding If A Hiring A Payroll Service Makes Sense For Your Business

Posted on: 15 June 2016

If you are in the process of starting your own small business, and you intend on hiring employees to help you perform the daily tasks needed to make a profit, you may have contemplated hiring a payroll service to help with the monetary side in keeping your staff paid correctly. Here is some general information on how a payroll service from a firm like Schramm & Lewis LLC works to help you determine if using one would be beneficial in your own business endeavors.
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The Benefits Of A CPA

Posted on: 21 August 2015

Tax season is never a fun experience. Between the mountains of paperwork and the large amounts of money that are involved, it's easy to make a small mistake that could end up costing you quite a bit of money. Therefore, you might be looking for a way to make the whole process simpler, safer for your wallet, and less stressful for you. To make your life easier, you should consider hiring or consulting a CPA.
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Recently Start An In-Home Daycare? Learn About Some Necessary Tax Preparation

Posted on: 22 July 2015

Watching a few kids during the day is a great way to make some extra money. Unfortunately, the additional income just made your taxes a lot more complicated. While you do have to pay taxes on the money you made, you do get the benefits of additional write offs that will lower how much you owe Uncle Sam. Here is some tax preparation you will need to do before you see your accountant regarding your in-home daycare.
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